In order to fully understand its potential, we first need to understand that all things vibrate, and this includes the individual organs and cells of the human body. ‘The human body has an electromagnetic information framework’ which can be measured to understand the health of that body and its organs, and this framework ‘is able to respond to external radiations’. So for example when an organ is vibrating at its normal frequency, it will be healthy and thus functioning efficiently. However, when that same organ is vibrating at a different frequency, this indicates that it’s out of balance and there’s a problem - for example the presence of a tumour. The Russian-developed Metatron NLS - or the ‘Frequency Equipment’, as we often refer to it - is ‘a system of analysis and diagnosis that determines the state of cell tissues and organs at the moment of testing’. Within the space of an hour or so, testing with this equipment can give a full analysis of the body’s organs and cell tissues, even identifying early signs of where a problem will develop in the future if preventative measures are not taken. But it does more than just this. The Metatron NLS can also ‘send frequencies to the desired organ (through a process called ‘metatherapy’) which will reverse the ongoing process, stimulate homeostasis, and improve the quality of the tissue’, as well as being used for the process of homeopathic preparations specific to the needs of the patient according to the results from testing with the device.
If we could all afford both time and money to hook up to this little baby on a regular basis and have it operated by a fully trained and qualified Metatron 4025 Technician, chances are we could expect a much better state of health and increased life-expectancy without further effort. But since not so many of us are quite so privileged and there’s a whole lot more to wellbeing anyway, its back to looking at the more traditional holistic healing methodologies. And this is particularly where the IAHHS’s interest in this equipment comes in. Through the use of this equipment in studies such as the recent research in Ubon - in which data from before and after receiving reiki was collected - the IAHHS is now able to start gathering scientific evidence as to the effectiveness of different holistic healing methodologies on the physical body; thus in due course enabling the IAHHS to offer only the best and most efficient holistic healing methods available to us at this time. For the individual, what this means is that through the use of this equipment they can get a clear picture not only of their current health, but also of the holistic healing methodologies, diet and self-care that are best suited to their body’s needs for long-term health and vitality.
Appointments with the Frequency Equipment can be booked through your nearest Course Organizer, or to learn more send your enquiry to the IAHHS. And the great news is that for those of you out there who are interested to get your hands on one of these fantastic pieces of equipment for your own healing and/or research purposes, Metatron NLS is also available to purchase through the IAHHS. Contact us to find out more!
If we could all afford both time and money to hook up to this little baby on a regular basis and have it operated by a fully trained and qualified Metatron 4025 Technician, chances are we could expect a much better state of health and increased life-expectancy without further effort. But since not so many of us are quite so privileged and there’s a whole lot more to wellbeing anyway, its back to looking at the more traditional holistic healing methodologies. And this is particularly where the IAHHS’s interest in this equipment comes in. Through the use of this equipment in studies such as the recent research in Ubon - in which data from before and after receiving reiki was collected - the IAHHS is now able to start gathering scientific evidence as to the effectiveness of different holistic healing methodologies on the physical body; thus in due course enabling the IAHHS to offer only the best and most efficient holistic healing methods available to us at this time. For the individual, what this means is that through the use of this equipment they can get a clear picture not only of their current health, but also of the holistic healing methodologies, diet and self-care that are best suited to their body’s needs for long-term health and vitality.
Appointments with the Frequency Equipment can be booked through your nearest Course Organizer, or to learn more send your enquiry to the IAHHS. And the great news is that for those of you out there who are interested to get your hands on one of these fantastic pieces of equipment for your own healing and/or research purposes, Metatron NLS is also available to purchase through the IAHHS. Contact us to find out more!
exclusive int
Exclusive Interview: Siam Reiki Master Teacher, Metatron 4025 Technician and IAHHS representative Damien Dupuy, talks about this fascinating piece of Equipment There’s been a lot of talk within the Institute about the ‘Frequency Equipment’, but what's its official name and how long has it been around for?
It’s called 'Metatron NLS' and has been available on the market about 5 years. The manufacturer/developer has actually been working on this equipment for 20 years, and the first model, Oberon, came on the market almost 10 years ago, but there were problems with this model in the past as many copies were being made. However, recent developments in technology, a fast processor and huge data storage facility have made it more usable in the last 5 years. Metatron NLS is recognized internationally, certified by the T.U.V. and F.D.A., with Bureau Veritas label ISO 13485. What does Metatron look like, and how does it work? Metatron is made up of an interface, helmet and resonance chamber, and works through a computer and software. The user wears the helmet, which scans the electromagnetic field of the brain and organs, emitting and receiving signals from their activity. This information is translated onto the screen by placing pictograms (called Fleyndler’s scale) on the organs, showing the energy reserves and condition of the organs and tissues. How long have you been using Metatron, and what for precisely? I’ve been working with the equipment about 1 year now, helping people to restore health and balance, and to prevent the development of health problems in the future through a variety of means. I can use the equipment by itself or in combination with reiki for healing, and it can be used to identify changes in the patient’s energy configuration before and after receiving a reiki treatment. It can also be used with homeopathic preparation. Why is the Institute interested to use this equipment? The Institute is interested to prove and support effective healing modalities through scientific assessment. For example, when someone who has learnt reiki elsewhere wants to learn with Siam Reiki and comes for an assessment, we can use the equipment to support psychic assessment in order to see efficiency of treatments and determine their level. The Institute will also be able to use the equipment to scientifically prove the most effective healing methods and to separate them from those that are proven not to be effective, such as incorrect meditation methods. You’ve recently been involved with research at the Reiki Shack in Ubon; how are the results looking? We’re currently still working on the results from the 7-day project, but early indications suggest that the higher the level of the Siam Reiki practitioner, the greater the change in the energy configuration. Is there anything else you’d like to share about this equipment? The frequency system is a new way of looking at health. In scanning the electromagnetic field of the human body, we can really see and measure the resonance of all of the cells and organs. So with this equipment there’s no need for background knowledge in modern or Chinese medicine, anatomy or pathology etc., as the equipment tells us how the cells of the body behave and react to certain stimuli. We can detect sick/deformed cells, such as cancer cells, in the very early stages of development - earlier than with other equipment - when it’s easy to reverse the outcome. By being able to see the vibrations of the cells we can determine whether or not they are vibrating normally, and when they are not they can be brought back to balance in a variety of ways. Using this equipment in combination with proven preventative methods enables the user to make positive steps for their long-term health, looking forward 5, 10, even 20 years. Studies are showing an important increase in life expectancy, as the aging process is prevented. Most important is that we use this technology in conjunction with taking personal responsibility for diet and other aspects of one’s wellbeing. Damien is currently in Chang Mai with the frequency equipment, will be in Bangkok 24th-27th June, Shanghai 29th June - 5th July and will be making a special trip to France and Holland from 10th July to the end of August. To learn more send your enquiry to the IAHHS, or if you or someone you know is interested to book a session with Damien contact your nearest Course Organizer via the links. |
where in the world
As promised, the summer’s hotting-up in Europe this month with a fully packed schedule for IAHHS Teachers! GLOBAL: Damien is teaching DPA in Chang Mai 10th-16th June, and Siam Reiki 1 22nd-23rd and will be available for private sessions with the Frequency Equipment in Bangkok 24th-27th June and Shanghai 29th June – 5th July. From 10th July he’ll be in France with the Frequency Equipment, and then Holland in August (dates and regions to be confirmed). If you’d like to book a session with Damien or organize a visit for him in your area contact your nearest Course Organizer. Grandmother Robin’s busy schedule is already underway as she offers private healings and readings in North Holland from June 10th-12th and a 1-day workshop Shamanism and the Medicine Wheel June 13th,before heading to Dalfsen in Overijssel for the Wisdom Gathering June 15th-18th. From there she’ll be going to Friesland for the Summer Solistice Celebration on the 20th, followed on 21st & 22ndwith the Seven Sacred Shields workshop and the Pipe Carrier Teaching workshop on June 23rd, before moving on to Gelderland for a 3-day Vision Quest 25th-27th. She will then be in southwest Germany 29th-30th for Modern Shamanism level 1, before returning to Friesland for the Drum-Making workshop on the 4th and a last opportunity for private readings/healings from 2nd-5th July. For further information contact Rosaline. Steve and Kwan will also be at the Wisdom Gathering June 15th-18th, and will be remaining in Holland for the duration of June. Private Healings are available on June 19th, then Siam Reiki 1 20th-21st, Siam Reiki 3 (Master) 22nd-23rd, Transcending Entities and Transmutation 24th-26th, Crystal Healing 27th-28th and Siam Reiki 2 29th-30th. The first 2 weeks of July they will be in Paris where courses will be offered in Siam Reiki 1 & 3, Slim Massage and Indian Head Massage, as well as private healings, before returning to Holland for further healings and courses in the second part of the month. For more information contact Sascha. BANGKOK: Mohana will be teaching Siam Reiki level 1 11th-12th June and 21st-22nd, Siam Reiki Master 25th-26th and Psychometry 28th-29th, and is also available for individual consultations. Phan continues to offer one-to-one sessions in the Yoga Therapy Office Syndrome program and Pranayama every weekend, as well as being available for consultations and healings. Victor is teaching Siam Reiki 2 10th-11th and DPA 24th-30th June. Debbie will be teaching Siam Reiki 1 from 15th-16th June. Both are also available for private consultations. All IAHHS teachers can be contacted via the IAHHS webpage.