Traditional health science has been wisdom passed on throughout generations of Historical years and was the only methods of healing practices in those times dating back so far the methods were written on palm leaves, bamboo and paper made of rice. With newer created mixtures or a methods in natural healing methods that has been developed by some individual or a person has been given a gift from the sky. Nowadays there is more of a demand, need it seems, so much that people who are sick are searching for another way to overcome an illness, or at least that is what the statics are stating.
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Traditional health science has been wisdom passed on throughout generations of Historical years and was the only methods of healing practices in those times dating back so far the methods were written on palm leaves, bamboo and paper made of rice. With newer created mixtures or a methods in natural healing methods that has been developed by some individual or a person has been given a gift from the sky. Nowadays there is more of a demand, need it seems, so much that people who are sick are searching for another way to overcome an illness, or at least that is what the statics are stating.
Knowledge and skill, now with a twist the Industry is demanding leadership and professional Health care provider’s for “Integrative” best practices by a combination of ancient healing method and those more recently discovered and developed. Incorporation with these typed therapies with conventional Medicine and services has driven us to today. Nowadays integrative therapies and medicine are used in almost every country around the Globe, with the end user such as {you and me} are looking for an alternative with professional knowledge and services. Insurance companies are now meeting the demand of the common people by supplying health insurance policies with therapy services being claimed under such e.g.; preventative medicine, rehabilitation, rejuvenation.
As health care providers ourselves we are looking at what is available around the globe, seeing if the therapy is credible and affective especially the training methods. The question we ask is; how good is it, for what illness, what is the time expectancy to remove or rehabilitate. Now with our experience we have a lot to share with the world.